2025 Georgia QSO Party logs are due by April 28th, 2025
Submit your GQP log by clicking on this link which navigates to the GQP log submission form. This is the preferred method to submit your log. If the log submission form doesn’t work for you submit your log directly as a file attachment to the gqplogs@gaqsoparty.com email address. You will receive a confirmation email that we received your log. Click here to check the list of logs that have been received.
All electronic logs must be submitted in a Cabrillo format (.LOG or .log file extension).
Make sure your Cabrillo file is the correct format. Writelog, older versions of N3FJP Logger and some other logging problems don’t create the correct Cabrillo file header. Look at the rules to see the correct format.
Please don’t change the format of the Cabrillo file that your logging program generates. The only exception would be if your logging program generates an incorrect CONTEST: line in the Cabrillo file header. That line should be CONTEST: GA-QSO-PARTY
Please name your log file YourCallSign.log (For example KU8E.log or KU8E.LOG) Your logging program should save your log as a .LOG file if you choose to save it as a Cabrillo file.
The SECC and SEDXC aren’t eligible to compete in the club competition.
Entries must be received two weeks after the end of the Georgia QSO Party.
Received logs will be listed on the Georgia QSO Party web site as soon as possible after receipt.
If you log on paper you can create an electronic log in a Cabrillo format by going to the WA7BNM Web-to-Cabrillo form.
Paper logs can be submitted to : John Laney, K4BAI P.O. Box 421, Columbus, GA. 31902-0421
Important Note: If you using an older version of the N3FJP Logging program please change the following Cabrillo file header line for CONTEST: to CONTEST: GA-QSO-PARTY . N3FJP has updated this on the current version of his logging program.
The Writelog logging program creates an incorrect header on the Cabrillo file. Please edit this before you submit your log.
PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR LOG IS THE CORRECT CABRILLO FORMAT BEFORE SUBMITTING IT. Some older programs don’t generate a correct format. The two best programs to use for the Georgia QSO Party are the latest versions of N1MM Logger Plus and N3FJP. Chaz, W4GKF, has also written a free logging program for GA stations only named GQPLog which you can download HERE. It works on all versions of PC, Mac and Linux.
While we do still accept paper logs (that accounts for less than 1% of the logs we receive) it would be greatly appreciated if you would download one of the free logging programs and use it. (either N1MM Logger Plus or GQPLog) You don’t have to use all the functionally of these programs such as interfacing your radio to the program. That will save us some time and K4BAI won’t have to manually enter your log to create a CABRILLO file.
Here is a guide on how to setup N1MM Logger Plus for the GQP.